Monday 30 September 2024

Comeback Cross Takes Fittipaldi Trophy Thriller

Anthony Cross leads Colm Blackburn, Gavin Buckley 

The final Formula Vee race of the year took place on Saturday at Kirkistown Racing Circuit in county Down. With all the championships decided, the Emmerson Fittipaldi Trophy race is the last chance for competitors to get their adrenalin fix until next year. Those who missed out on taking any silverware home had one last chance to do so and even for one driver it really was his one and only opportunity to get his hands on some silverware in 2024. Former series champion and Emmerson Fittipaldi Trophy winner Anthony Cross who decided to sit out this season, planned to just spectate at this years race. A late word from his dad and mechanic Fred, to bring the car out for at least one spin this year, saw him dust off the cobwebs of his faithful Sheane chassis vee and head north. 

Gavin Buckley leads Anthony Cross, Colm Blackburn, and Jack Byrne

Anyone writing the Bohernabreena man off due to his lack of track time this year had to eat their hats as there certainly was no rust or cobwebs on Anthony. In his only qualifying of the year he put his car on pole with a brilliant time of 1.05.182 seconds. A broken manifold cost him a chance of challenging for the win in the last championship race earlier in the day, but it was fixed and ready to go come race two. It would not be easy as newly crowned champion Gavin Buckley wanted to do the double and Jack Byrne and Colm Blackburn were out to make up for their loss of championship glory.

Colm Blackburn leads Anthony Cross, and Gavin Buckley

As the lights went out though it was Colm Blackburn who got the best start and lead the field away and for the opening lap until cross used his better exit of the chicane to get a run past on the way to the hairpin. Already it was a four car train for the lead with Buckley and Byrne tucked right in the slipstream of the front two. Owen Kelly made it five cars a couple of laps later but sadly the red flags came out as another car had dropped oil down. On the restart it was again Blackburn who got away first, could he hold those behind at bay this time? It seemed so as by the start of the next lap he had a couple of car lengths to Cross. Buckley and Byrne were right there too and it was only one of these four who were going to take the win. Such was the pace they had gapped the rest of the field enough to fight it out on their own.

Kieran Hannan leads Charlie Hart and Dan Polley

Colm Blackburn leads Anthony Cross, Gavin Buckley and Jack Byrne

Anthony Cross leads Colm Blackburn, Gavin Buckley and Jack Byrne

 Again a better run from the chicane saw Cross take the lead at the hairpin. Though the exit for Blackburn cost him ground and both Buckley and Byrne drew alongside down the main straight and by turn two he was down to fourth. By the hairpin Buckley had the lead but Cross got the better exit and retook the lead going into turn one. Blackburn did an identical move to Byrne to take third. This was shaping up to be another Formula Vee cracker. A lap later Buckley tried the same move and this time it worked and was back in the lead. He held firm for the next number of laps defending well and holding his lines but any slip and the others were through. 

A better exit from Cross at the hairpin saw him get alongside once again down the main straight to take the lead into turn one. this was undone by a bad exit from the chicane where the three men behind him  got the run down the back straight making it four abreast going into the hairpin. Blackburn tried a move round the outside of them all and it was close to coming off, but it did bring him up two places to second. Buckley dropped to third with Byrne in fourth. It was hard and close racing but also fair, and keeping the spectators on their toes and proving why the class is so popular. With three laps to go you could not call the winner at this point. A lap later Cross had a slower exit from the chicane allowing Blackburn get by and down the outside at the hairpin to retake the lead starting the penultimate lap. 

A great run through the chicane saw Blackburn create a small gap to cross on the run to the hairpin. Cross though took the outside line and retook the lead in a brilliant move to lead them out on to the last lap. It was nose to tail through the next series of corners which left the chicane and hairpin. Cross for once since the opening lap got the better run through the chicane to give himself the best chance to defend at the hairpin. Blackburn tried hard to close in on the brakes but was just too far back to make a move. Cross held it to the line to take the chequered flag and with it his fourth win of the Emmerson Fittipaldi Trophy. Byrne used the outside line to get an excellent run to the line where he pipped Buckley for third.

Anthony Cross holds the Emmerson Fittipaldi Trophy after spraying champange with Jack Byrne and being on the podium with Colm Blackburn

A truly brilliant Formula Vee race and one that will be remembered for a long time to come and rounding out the season in style.

Speaking to the winner after the race it was clear he was delighted to have ended his break from racing.

" That wasn't an easy race, I was under a lot of pressure. We tested Friday which was the first time I was out in the car all year, We had a lot of problems and didn't get one clean session where we didn't have to fix something so I wasn't happy with my pace at the end of it. Although you have to expect it after having the car lying up for a year. The race was brilliant though and Kirkistown always provides great racing. People say it's an easy track with the two straights, but its far from it. Colm and Gavin drove very well and it could have been anyone's. Racing here is a bit like poker you have to hold your cards and know when to play them. We are always treated very well up here too by the organizers who put up money and three sets of tyres for this race as prizes."

So did that race and win bring any regrets in not coming out sooner and will it tempt him back out next year? 

" I hadn't intended to leave it so late to go out racing this year but few things came up and i enjoyed the break too, we will see about next year no plans of yet but we will wait and see". 


1st Anthony Cross

2nd Colm Blackburn

3rd Jack Byrne

4th Gavin Buckley

5th Dan Polley

6th Charlie Hart

7th Kieran Hannan

8th Conor Melia

9th Paul Lewis

10th Eamon Thornton

Sunday 29 September 2024

Buckley Bags 2024 Formula Vee Title.

Gavin Buckley 2024 Formula Vee Champion.

For the final round of the Formula Vee championship drivers headed north once again and to Kirkistown Racing Circuit. It is where this years series began back in march and once again it has been a dramatic run to the finale. Three points separated Jack Byrne and Gavin Buckley, so it was winner takes all and only if neither took the win then it would go back to countback of second places. 

Sadly recent Leinster trophy winner Ronan Doherty did not enter but former champion Anthony Cross made his return to the series for the first time this year and showed no signs of rust by taking pole position with a brilliant time of 1.05.182..Colm Blackburn and Dan Polley also would be ones to watch as both had nothing to play for. The 'B' Championship was also down to the wire between Kieran Hannan and Andy Keogh. So it would be an exciting race for both championships.

Gavin Buckley and Colm Blackburn battled for the lead in the opening laps.

As the lights went out it was Colm Blackburn who got a lightning start and lead the field through turn one ahead of Cross but Buckley was right behind and slotted into second by turn two. As always in the early laps in Kirkistown the field is one big freight train with everyone tucked into each others tow. Buckley wasn't for hanging around and took the lead on lap two putting Blackburn, Cross and Polley between him and Byrne. 

While they were going for the championship the rest were out for the glory but could play a big part in the outcome. Byrne had to work quick and get by the men in front to stay with the leader and not let him get away.A great exit from the chicane allowed him a run down to the hairpin and a brilliant move on the outside of Polley and Cross saw him up to third. A lap later he tried the same move on Blackburn but it didnt work. He got a better run down the straight and a dive down the inside at turn two saw him get through but was unable to hold the line and Blackburn got past again. All this let Buckley make a break for it and he pulled out a gap enough to cause those behind to loose the tow.

 While Gavin Buckley broke away in the lead, top, Jack Byrne and Colm Blackburn had a titanic battle the whole race, above.

With Buckley out of reach the race was for second and try as he might Byrne couldn't get past Blackburn over the next few laps. Cross tried to get past both at the hairpin but it didn't work out but was right there if anything happened between the two ahead. Then with a three of laps to go he Byrne got past at turn one and it looked like he could now pull away but a dive down the inside at the hairpin saw him briefly take second but Byrne got him on the switchback. Then on the last lap a move at turn two saw Blackburn back to second which he held to the line. However it was Buckley's day and year as he took the chequered flag to take his third win at Kirkistown and the championship with it. A well deserved victor who has been knocking on the door for the title in the last three years. And for someone who is a couple of years away from the free travel pass he has shown no signs of slowing down. It is thought he is the oldest Formula Vee champion too date, a record I'm sure he will hold for quiet a while. 

Gavin Buckley on his way to the 2024 Formula Vee Championship

Speaking after the race which he made look easy, the delighted Dubliner said it was close to going all wrong in the dying stages; 

 " I am delighted to get the win here today. It was close all year between myself, Jack and Colm. It was far from easy though. I thought with two laps to go it was going to go all wrong. I could heard a noise getting worse with a few laps to go and it turned out to be a headstud that cracked. I wasn't sure weather to slow down or keep the pace the same. If I slowed the others could catch back up but if I kept up the same pace it could go wrong. So I just prayed to god that it held together and it did. It's been a great year and a huge thanks goes to Adam McAuley who runs the car and for making it so reliable all year. I have been close to taking the championship before but it just didn't happen for different reasons but to finally get it now is great." 

Further battles down the field top, Ger Byrne leads Niall O'Mara, Paul Lewis leads Conor Melia, Eamon Thornton, Kieran Hannan, leads Dan Polley on his way to the 'B' Championship and Charlie Hart leads Owen Kelly on his way to the rookie championship race win.

In the championship battle Kiearn Hannan took the victory. He ran right up with the front runner again showing the progress he had made this year. Finishing fifth ahead of Dan Polley he took the title in style. His rival Andy Keogh didn't get the start he wanted to get near Hannan but had a great battle with Ger Byrne, Conor Melia and Niall O'Mara. Charlie Hart already crowned this years rookie champion had a great battle with Owen Kelly all race but just lost out on seventh place to the Donegal man. 

Charlie Hart with his team after winning the Ability IT Rookie Championship

Results: National Championship 

1st Gavin Buckley 

2nd Colm Blackburn 

3rd Jack Byrne 'B' Championship 

1st Kieran Hannan

2nd Owen Kelly 

3rd Paul Lewis 

Ability IT Rookie Championship 

1st Charlie Hart 

2nd Conor Melia 

3rd Simon Rudd

Sunday 22 September 2024

Hogging all the Titles - Keith Hogg wins 2024 Formula Sheane Championship and David Sheane Memorial Trophy

Keith Hogg with his Formula Sheane ahead of the Leinster Trophy Races. Mondello Park, Donore, Co. Kildare.

For a man who has only got back into motor racing after several years off, Keith Hogg has not wasted any time in making up for it. After clinching his second Formula Sheane title in a row along with the prestigious David Sheane Memorial Trophy at last weekends Leinster Trophy races, at Mondello Park, one would be forgiven in thinking it was easily done. Far from it though, as this years championship came right down to the final round of the series. All he had to do was finish in the the top ten to take the title, where his rival Enda O'Connor had to take a win at least and Hogg to finish below 10th place to bring it to the second race of the round to keep his chances alive. 

On paper it looked easy, just stay out of trouble by not getting sucked into a battle or get caught up in somebody else's mistake. Qualifying on pole earns you a championship point (as well as a fastest lap) which he duly got after taking pole, which actually wasn't in the plan this time out and left him in somewhat of a quandary ahead of the first race. Onlookers would find out if the red mist was down and out to race or to settle for points once the lights went out. The mist never descended as by the third bend he was already down to fourth place. He clearly was out to get the points needed in this race to take the title and then go out and play in the second race. 

Keith Hogg leads Richard Kearney during the Formula Sheane race. 

Although winning races is important in taking titles consistency is also key and this is why both Hogg and O'Connor brought it to the final round. While lying in mid pack early on in the race he let those ahead battle it out, which they did and in doing so O'Connor made a mistake a spun out of contention and later on lost his nose cone ending his championship chances. Others dropped out and collided with each other and in the end Hogg navigated his way through it all and took third place and his second title in a row. A well deserved one too, as by packing up time he had a total of 9 wins, 1 second, 1 third, 1 DNF, 6 poles and 4 fastest laps.

The Formula Sheane Championship runs over six weekends with two races in each to allow drivers balance racing with their daily lives. Motor racing in Ireland is largely made up of club racers mixed with a few the young hopefuls looking to make a career in the sport. Sadly this is getting less likely as each year goes by due to the soaring costs once you leave the Irish shores. Keith has been well aware of this only competing in Formula Vee for a couple of years and a few races in Formula Ireland in the mid 2000's. Add a selection of outings in Formula Sheane in 2010, before two seasons in 2012 and 2013 where he finished 4th and 3rd. Then he stopped until last year where he properly put a campaign together .

Keith Hogg leads the cars on the warm up lap of the Formula Sheane race.

Philip Sheane leads Enda O'Conor during the Formula Sheane race.

Keith takes up the story; 

" Back in April for the first round we went up Kirkistown and had a brilliant weekend getting 2 wins 2 poles and 1 fastest lap. So I bagged a load of points there and set me up for the next race in Bishopscourt where we went one better with 2 wins, 2 poles and 2 fastest laps! I love racing up there. They are my favourite tracks and we always get a proper welcome, and I love the travel aspect and staying overnight up there. The first Mondello brought my only DNF but I got a win also. Another win and a second came in the July meeting at Mondello, followed by 2 wins and a pole in Kirkistown in August. Coming into this weekend I knew I only needed a top ten finish and I had the championship. So the plan was to do that he says laughing, until I got pole and then I got all nervous because I didn't try to get it. Now I questioned weather I should go for the win or play it safe? I only decided when the lights went out and I said to myself, just let them off. Which is what I did and stayed out of trouble and took the championship."

Enda O'Connor leads Richard Kearney during the Formula Sheane race

With the championship now in the bag there was one last trophy to go for, the David Sheane Memorial Trophy. It is a highly sought after prize for those who have race in Formula Vee or Formula Sheane. Without David Sheane there quiet simply wouldn't have been as many people out racing cars in the last 40 plus years. Some who started their careers in cars designed by David have gone on to compete in high level international racing, which is a testament to the man. After a hard battle with Richard Kearney and Phillip Sheane the final win of the year went Keith's way yet again rounding out an incredible year. 

His post race celebrations showed how much winning this trophy ment to him. After the race he expressed why." I'm delighted to have my name on the David Sheane cup, he helped all of us and helped me so much. I wouldn't have got to so many races without David. He is sorely missed around the paddock and I miss talking to him on the Monday after a race weekend. So it's special to me to have my name on it now."

Keith Hogg leads Philip Sheane during the David Sheane Memorial Trophy race.

They say 'behind every great man there is a great woman' and in Keith Hogg's case it is certainly true! Some wives try a discourage their husbands interest in motor racing, mainly due to the costs involved that in fairness would go a lot further in things for the house or holidays, but his wife Therese was the instigator for his return. Having listened to her in 2006 when she told him to concentrate in building his business Mad and once again in 2022 when she said it was time to go back racing. He listened, and the results have proved correct it in both cases! Although are women ever wrong?? In any case Keith admits without her support in recent years on and off the track he would not have won as much and it shows as they both give off an infectious energy in the paddock and are genuinely great fun to be around. 

Keith holds up the David Sheane Memorial Trophy and with his wife Therese on the podium after the race.

Again having won last year and this year is there a hunger to keep going? 

"Well last year after winning it I was going to take a break again but Therese told me to go on again and I happened to be on the phone to Brian Hearty who's car I have now and he thought nobody had done back to back but it had but not three in a row. So I looked at Therese and she said I guess we are going again! So that the plan for next year, its only six weekends of the year so it doesn't take up all your time either to be fair."

Time will tell but after a year like this year it will be hard to look past him to do the three in a row. 

Keith celebrating after winning the David Sheane Memorial Trophy race.